Hello Wildcats!
My name is Mark Crawford, and I've been teaching physical education for 28 years. I have a bachelor of Science Education (content area PE) from the University of West Georgia and a Master's degree from Jacksonville State University also in Science Education (content area PE) One accomplishment I am proud of is starting The Morning Run Club which is the only one in Carroll County.
Some hobbies I enjoy are woodworking, mainly turning pens, bowls and other items on a lathe, pickleball and golf. My wife is Melissa and have one adult son, Zach (who is my main competition when playing golf). I truly enjoy teaching PE and strive to teach my students new and exciting activities, games, and skills that they may enjoy for a lifetime.
Want to know what were doing in the gym?
Cosmic Bowling 2025
Programs and Events offered through the PE department.
Every Lap Counts!
What you put into the program is what you are going to get out of it!
Laps are cumulative and are tracked from the time your child enters the program to the time they leave.
- Awards are earned:
- individually
- by homeroom
- by grade levels
- Each Friday I will post the top runners, and homerooms for each grade level on facebook as well as in the hallways for the students to see.
- At the end of each running session the top students will receive a certificate
Morning Run Club Milestones
75 Mile Club (t-shirt)
Fall MRC HAS ENDED!!! Great job everyone. Spring season begins in March
Student totals this week/Year to date
TOP 25 cumulative laps
TOP Class this week
Morning run club
Welcome to the morning run club, where every child in grades 1-5 can participate to achieve his/her personal best fitness levels! Running is not easy, but children can see the benefit of it when they are setting personal goals and reaching them! Students are challenged to maintain their own fitness levels and are challenged to reach new goals and when they do the rewards are great!
Why run? According to the CDC:
Students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance (e.g., memory), and classroom behaviors (e.g., on-task behavior).
Higher physical activity and physical fitness levels are associated with improved cognitive performance (e.g., concentration, memory) among students.
We encourage your children participate and cannot wait to see what they can accomplish!
Students MUST SIGN UP every year to be part of the Running Club!
There will be a $10 fee to help cover the cost of the awards and the EZ Scan program we use to keep up with the kids laps. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Crawford.
How morning run club works
Running sessions:
We will have 2 running sessions (Fall & Spring).
Fall Dates: September - November
Spring Dates: March - April
Time: 7:15 - 7:30 Mon-Thurs. (weather permitting)
Place: GHE Track behind the school... "students must report to homeroom first".
Running Club is for Grades 1-5
Mon/Wed: 3-5th grade
Tues/Thurs: 1-2nd grade
Want to participate in races?
I will e-mail out race information for upcoming races throughout the year. You are NOT required to run in these races, but they are a fun way to get out on the weekend as a family and be active. Races are hosted by schools as well as other organizations. These races are fundraisers for the schools/organizations. The cost to run a race can be as low as $15 and as high as $35. These costs cover t-shirts, snacks at the end of the race and Awards.
Have fun at the RACES!!!
Top Grade Level this week

Register Here!
Please fill out the google form to register for the morning run club. Morning run club will be $10 and can be sent in with your child.
Parents are needed to help scan the students laps.
We are using Sign up Genius to organize where help is needed and it is a great way for parents to see how they can help and plan ahead! We do take volunteering seriously. If you commit to help, we are relying on you to show up.
All volunteers will need to check in at the front office first and meet us at the track by 7:15.
Morning run club incentives
Students must sign up each year to participate.
The Running Club will run every morning (weather permitting).
Students will be assigned a running day by grade level. Their day will be determined by the number of student that sign up.
Students MUST go by their homeroom to check in, leave their book bags, and do any morning procedures their teacher wishes.
Once students have permission from their homeroom teacher, they will get their assigned running tag with barcode and lanyard to proceed to the track.
Students MUST have their running tag/lanyard every time they run!
Students will run/walk on the track
Students will get their running tag scanned for each lap completed.
9 laps is equal to 1 mile.
Laps are cumulative and are tracked from the time your child enters the program.
After running, students will return to their homeroom and return their running tags / lanyards. The running tags / lanyards are to be kept at school in their classroom.
Students are responsible for their running tag.