Cecelia Brown- Principal

Contact Information

Cecelia Brown


Welcome to Glanton-Hindsman Elementary School where we "Love Purple and Live Gold"! I am honored to serve as the principal of this great school, which was also my elementary school as a child. It has been a joy to return home to where my educational journey began. 

Our purpose in Carroll County Schools is to positively change lives! Within this building, you will find a dedicated staff who strives to provide the very best for our amazing students and families. We love our community and know education is the key to future successes! We encourage our parents to volunteer with classrooms needs and schoolwide needs. We enjoy seeing parents and others engaged in our school! We are blessed with generous sponsors who give their time, talent and resources to Glanton-Hindsman. We are surrounded by a fantastic community of encouragers. We look forward to another great school year! We are VR!

Love Purple, Live Gold, 
Cecelia Brown