Title 1
SPLOST Graphic
Carroll County Schools will be returning to a regular schedule on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Temperatures will be cold, but the sun should be out. We can't wait to see everyone back at school!
Normal Schedule 1/22/25

Distance Learning Day Details:

Carroll County Schools is moving to a Distance Learning Day on Tuesday, January 21 due to extreme cold and forecast of snow. This Distance Learning Day includes all students and faculty. All Tuesday after-school and extracurricular activities are canceled. Schools and teachers will be sending out specific information and assignments to students. Please refer to our Distance Learning Day webpage for more information. Based on various weather models, the path and impact of the storm is uncertain for our area. All 220 - 240 day employees should report at 9 a.m. unless inclement weather makes it unsafe to report. Our area is experiencing extreme cold, and there continues to be a possibility of snow which could make travel dangerous. Please take due precaution to care for yourself and your loved ones. We will provide further updates as needed.

Distance Learning Day webpage:

Distance Learning Day Jan 21, 2025
Holiday Party Times Graphic
Holiday Dress Up Days Graphic
Back to School Graphic
1st Day of School Collage
open house invite
Pre-K/Kinder Camp Invite
supply list
supply list
supply list
supply list
Title I Input Flyer
Title I Input Flyer

The MY RIDE K-12 application will replace Notify Me as of March 1, 2024. You may access the application via internet at or you may download the MY RIDE K-12 application, Please see the attached PARENT USER GUIDES for download and use of our application

To register your student on the app you will need to enter the following information:

 Student ID Number
Student Date of Birth
Primary Emergency Contact Name
We appreciate your partnership as we continue to find ways to provide premier service to all Carroll County families. 

MY RIDE User Guide English

Transportation Use Guide
Transportation User Guide pg 2

MY RIDE User Guide Spanish

Transportation Flyer Spanish pg 1
Transportation Flyer Spanish pg 2
Future Focused Graphic with link to
Scholarship Info Banner
Glanton-Hindsman Elementary by brandi goldin
RevTrak Payment Button
Student Testimonial
Student Testimonial